Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Oh how pinteresting!

So my inspiration for this post came from the lovely Kaitlyn from Keeping up with Kaitlyn. I always liked this item which you can see on her blog as a reoccurring feature. Curious? Just click here, here and here. This item is actually part of a link up party hosted by Michelle from The Vintage Apple (love this name!) so what else to do than start pinning and start sharing!

I love bikes :)

This made me think of my niece :)

Source: via Hansol on Pinterest


Your welcome :)

Love this!

Which one do you find most interesting?

I hope you enjoyed this! If you want you can follow me on pinterest! Just click  on the below icon:



  1. YAY! Glad you are joining in on the Pinterest fun!!

  2. I love the laughing collage. It made me smile to see that baby laughing!

  3. like! Volg je mij al op pinterest?
