Monday, 10 December 2012

Keep it straight and simple

Do you know those people who claim never to win anything? I was one of those people... I never won anything, and because I never won anything I never participated with anything... but by not participating in contests I lowered my chances of winning..... So I decided to participate in every contest I would come across... And guess what, I am no longer one of the people who never wins anything! I won quite a lot since I applied this new strategy:

And most recently I won this very nice straightener from Remington via the Glossybox contest. 

What did I had to do to win this? Well it was a FB contest so I had to post on their wall why I think I should win this. And my answer was as follows: "Today I straightened my hair with my old straightener, and it looked pretty awesome. So I went to work by bike and when I got to work my whole coupe was out of shape and my hair was anything but straight.... So I tied it in a knot for the rest of the day..."

And that is how I won this!

Signature to use

1 comment:

  1. gsus heb je nu ALWEER iets gewonnen?? -_-
    Congrats! :)
