Thursday, 23 August 2012

Today is a Happy day!

So today's post is a happy post! Well I think most of my posts are happy post except for this one maybe.....

So I was reading this post by Teresa from Delightfully Darling and I just loved the pics! So I was inspired to make my own happy post. So just sit back, relax and let the pics speak for them selves and be inspired!

Pinterest - Coreen Tarbell
Pinterest - Jordan Huntzinger

Pinterest - Marie Eve Wakefield
Pinterest - Marina Djogic
Pinterest - Marina Djogic
Pinterest - Saturnis Behne

Pinterest - Toccara Pascale
Pinterest - Withney Troxel

And did this make you happy? Are you inspired? I am!!!! What is your way to stay happy? If you have any happy thoughts you want to share please do so!

XoXo Lieke


  1. Good start for my day! Thanks =) xo Anja

  2. This made me happy - particularly the bird one at the bottom. I have a slightly less PC saying. I'm happier than a fat kid with cake...

    Thanks for this!

    So what makes me happy? ducks, tea, books,craft, blog design (I have found out recently), my boyfriend, great bloggy friends and the sun.

    Rosie xx
